Sounds easy enough, living off grid. Have a house with its own water and power supply along with a way to deal with waste. However, when living on limited income with very little collateral and nothing to work with, things...
Since we live in our RV and want to establish ourselves on our own land somewhere, it makes sense to take the RV with us and live in it while we build our structure. At the moment, we cannot really...
This review has been a long time in the works. Our original plan was to go to Florida last Thanksgiving and add solar panels, a much larger battery setup, an inverter, and the other parts required for running our RV...
While we continue to wait on the transmission to get fixed, we are busy with other projects such as solving the power issue. Today, we received a TrippLite 2000 Watt Inverter/Converter. I'm going to be hooking it into the power...