Off grid means different things to different people. At the very basic, it means off the power grid. For some, it means completely removed from all technology, but we aren’t talking about that. Because we are using technology and it...
You may have never heard of them if you are not a computer geek or tinkerer like myself. The Raspberry Pi is a small single board computer that was originally developed for children to learn programming and computer skills easily....
For those on a budget, here are the parts we used to get a computer to run Plex off of well and for a pretty decent price. It is not complete yet, but getting close. To make our Plex box,...
I'll admit it, I love working with the Raspberry Pi. It's small, cheap, simple to work with, and I can do plenty of different tasks with them. They were designed for educational uses, but with the hobby makers taking over,...
I always have projects I'm working on in the RV, and I always come up with new and better ways to get them accomplished. I find a problem, figure out a solution, and before I implement that solution, I re-examine...
This is mainly focused on the full time RVers reading this, but there are still ideas to be mined for others. This is the layout for how our network is getting built and what each Raspberry Pi will do in...
For the Smart Home on Wheels project to work, everything has to be controlled by a central core unit. I've gone back and forth, trying to figure out a way to do it affordably and still have enough power to...