For a truly relaxing vacation and the chance to soak up the natural world, nothing beats a camping trip. America has so many beautiful destinations to choose from; so here come a few choices to get you inspired. 1. Acadia...
It has been a long, somewhat difficult year, but fortunately, things have ended on a high note finally. We started in Kentucky ended in Florida, and seem to hopefully be getting things under control and in check. Our year started...
I have accepted a workamping position. I'll probably never give the exact campground where we will be, just for privacy reasons, but I will be posting photos and information and stuff like that. I'm excited to be making this step,...
It is important when living full time in an RV that you have some sort of structure. It is all too easy to wake up whenever you want, go to bed when you feel tired, and float through each day...
Because nothing seems to go right for us, well, ever, we had another issue with Sleipnir, another tow, and more things going wrong. We really are starting to run out of things to repair or replace, so I hope that...
We bought our RV, Sleipnir, just over a year ago. We moved into it last July when our lease was up at our apartment. We took our cats, crammed as much stuff as we could into it, and started to...
We are Thousand Trails Elite members. As such, we can stay at one campground for three weeks, then go to another campground for three weeks without having to take any time off in between. We spend most of our time...
I have anxiety. Most days it is tolerable, especially with medication. Today we are getting towed to a mechanic shop, staying there overnight, and getting work done tomorrow. My anxiety is through the roof. I know we don't have to...
There is this little town in Alabama called Red Bay. There isn't much to the town, but the reason we are headed to Red Bay is simple, Tiffins are built there. We've had issue after issue with our RV Sleipnir,...
We've been living in our RV for eight months now. Nothing has gone well and now we are considering transitioning off the road. But how do we do that and why? Several factors come into play, our ability to afford...
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