Off grid means different things to different people. At the very basic, it means off the power grid. For some, it means completely removed from all technology, but we aren’t talking about that. Because we are using technology and it...
Bubba On The Road is no more. Well, sort of. We still have our RV, at least for another week or two, but after that, we’ll be transitioning to living back in a sticks and bricks apartment for awhile. I...
You may have never heard of them if you are not a computer geek or tinkerer like myself. The Raspberry Pi is a small single board computer that was originally developed for children to learn programming and computer skills easily....
For those on a budget, here are the parts we used to get a computer to run Plex off of well and for a pretty decent price. It is not complete yet, but getting close. To make our Plex box,...
To start with this, I'm going to delve into our power requirements of one simple subset of the whole system: Computers and internet access. I have not used anything to determine how much power everything uses yet, so I am...
I'll admit it, I love working with the Raspberry Pi. It's small, cheap, simple to work with, and I can do plenty of different tasks with them. They were designed for educational uses, but with the hobby makers taking over,...
As new ideas come to me, I have to come up with new solutions. My latest problem to solve is how to know what is in our pantry when I can't easily see what is all the way in the...
Rvs are not generally wired for ethernet. In fact, I've never heard of one that had ethernet run through the coach. Its also not like a house where there are voids in the walls and other cables that can be...
The search for a computer to build as a core unit for the Smart Home on Wheels has been difficult. I spent hours scouring the internet for a solid, small, and useable computer that I could use for the hub....
Here at Bubba On The Road, we love gadgets. We love technology, we love having the internet always accessible. We are approaching 40, so both of us grew up in a time when computers were just starting to become used...